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!subscribe 🔗

Subscribe a text channel in your server to Okonau API and/or RSS feeds.



!subscription !sub


ADMINISTRATOR - Only users with the "Administrator" server permission can use this command.


!subscribe lets you subscribe to specific Okonau API or RSS feeds.

Available Feeds

d2_twab - Posts Destiny 2 This Week at Bungie news posts to the text channel you subscribe to the feed in.
d2_update - Posts Destiny 2 Update and Hotfix news posts to the text channel you subscribe to the feed in.


Subscribe to feed: !subscribe <feed> on
Example: !sub d2_twab on
(Subscribes the text channel you execute this command in to receiving Destiny 2 TWAB news posts)

Unsubscribe from feed: !subscribe <feed> off
Example: !sub d2_twab off
(Unsubscribes the text channel you execute this command in from receiving Destiny 2 TWAB news posts)