📄️ !avatar 👥
Display a user's avatar, or your own.
📄️ !banner 🖼
Display a user's banner, or your own.
📄️ !credits 📜
Display Okonau's credits.
📄️ !currency 💴
Convert between currencies.
📄️ !help 🤝
Display a link to the Okonau commands and documentation.
📄️ !info ℹ
Display general information on Okonau.
📄️ !joinserver 💻
Display a link to where you can invite Okonau to your own server.
📄️ !ping 🌐
Run a quick test to see if Okonau is responding to your message.
📄️ !reminder 📌
Ask Okonau to remind you about something.
📄️ !serverinfo ℹ
Display some basic information on your server.
📄️ !settings ⚙
Customise Okonau specific server settings.
📄️ !subscribe 🔗
Subscribe a text channel in your server to Okonau API and/or RSS feeds.
📄️ !timezone 🌏
Convert a time and date to any timezone. Automatically changes based on the timezone set on your device.
📄️ !userinfo ℹ
Return some basic user information on others or yourself.