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!settings ⚙

Customise Okonau specific server settings.



!serversettings !server_settings !server-settings !setting


ADMINISTRATOR - Only users with the "Administrator" server permission can use this command.


!settings lets you customise some aspects of Okonau to your liking. These are only changeable by server administrators and only apply to that specific server.

To enable a setting in your server, simply specify the setting name followed by true, on or yes.

To disable a setting, specify the setting name followed by false, off or no.

Active Settings

music_disconnect_joe-biden-soda - When Okonau disconnects voluntarily (by idle timeout or !leave), there's a 1 in 50 chance the disconnect tune that plays will be Joe Biden screaming "SODA!".

joke_text_filter_stanford-banned-list - Okonau will begin monitoring messages in your guild and if anyone mentions a word on Stanford's list of harmful words, they'll be told to watch their language. You can find the list of words here. (This is a joke)


Enable a server setting: !setting <setting name> true
Example: !setting music_disconnect_joe-biden-soda true
(Enables the music_disconnect_joe-biden-soda server setting.)

Disable a server setting: !setting <setting name> false
Example: !setting music_disconnect_joe-biden-soda false
(Disables the music_disconnect_joe-biden-soda server setting.)